How can you help?

Stay with us on the journey

Thank you to every one of the nearly 4,000 people who signed our petition calling for an inquest into Josh’s death. We have been successful! There will be an inquest, which we expect to shed light on some of the faults in Queensland’s public mental health system and lead to those faults being fixed so that we can save other people from preventable suicides in the future. Keep up to date by following this blog or the Josh’s Wish Facebook page.

Take the pledge

Josh’s Wish challenges us to be the change we want to see. Take the pledge to act with love, promote peace and help the world. Tag #JoshsWish #iPledge with your photo and encourage others to do the same.

Spread the message

Share Josh’s story around. Tag #JoshsWish when you’re posting your own little acts of kindness that help the world. And encourage others to join our little movement.

We would like to give you something too,

The #JoshsWish Blessing:


Thank you and much love as you act with love, promote peace, and help the world today. Xx